• animal radio
  • If Only CATS Could Talk
  • Cat Resume

    Discoverer of 8 Day Rule for indoor cats

    Inventor of Cat Flasher Robot Locator

    Solved the vexing spooker case

    Identified the ecosystem cat super-spike

    Discoverer of ecosystem cat 200 Yard Rule

    Identified the ecosystem cat minor-spike

    Inventor of perimeter tracking method

    First to study cats vs. suburban coyotes

  • Message to Southern California

  • patreon

How can I help you, today?

  • Lost Cat

    Is your cat missing, right now?

    Check out the cat locator videos:

    Watch the above introduction video and decide which video, below, is best for you.

    Indoor Only (FREE)

    Ecosystem (FREE)

    Traveling (FREE)

    Spooker (FREE)

    Medical (FREE)

    Kitten (FREE)

  • Prevention is Key

    Tattoos are far superior to microchips, for cats: tattoo

    For indoor-only cats, the Cat Flasher Robot Locator is far superior to any GPS device: cat flasher

    And, if you're traveling with your cat, get your cat an LED for her or his collar:

  • Media * Science * Entertainment

    Are you with the media? Or, are you conducting scientific research? Or, are you affiliated with the entertainment industry? I'm always available to give free demonstrations of my techniques for locating cats. Check the most appropriate box, below:

    Contact Type: *
  • media



    general question

  • Planet Earth's Only Cat Naturalist



    Software Developer

    Night Tracker